All about the next opponent: Interview with Augsburg-Fan Irina

In the last away game of the sea­son, VfB wants to start the 33rd match­day with a win in Augs­burg. We spo­ke with Iri­na Fuchs, aut­hor of the book “Aus der Rose­nau bis nach Euro­pa”, which will be released by Are­te Ver­lag in May, and blog­ger at the Rose­nau Gazet­te, about what awaits us the­re.


Wahid Faghir Scouted – Stuttgart’s New Wonderkid

On the last day of the trans­fer win­dow, VfB Stutt­gart fina­li­zed the sig­ning of Danish won­der­kid Wahid Fag­hir from Super­li­ga club Vej­le Bold­klub. Foot­ball Mana­ger gamers have known Fag­hir for years, as he has been one of the best young stri­kers in the popu­lar series for quite some time, but who is the young Dane actual­ly? Danish foot­ball wri­ter Toke Thei­la­de from Vil­fort Park gives the low­down on the new Stutt­gart stri­ker.


Being a VfB supporter and podcaster in the United States

With the Red Stri­pe: Hi Tra­vis and thank you for taking time to ans­wer our ques­ti­ons. First­ly, let’s talk about you: Who are you and how did you beco­me a fan and mem­ber of VfB Stutt­gart? Tra­vis: As to VfB, my fan­dom is a long — and pro­ba­b­ly bor­ing! — sto­ry. The short ver­si­on, though? … Wei­ter­le­sen