Many Chances for the Chance

In Bra­tis­la­va, VfB ulti­m­ate­ly secu­res a con­fi­dent 3–1 vic­to­ry, taking the first neces­sa­ry step toward advan­cing. Howe­ver, after taking an ear­ly lead, the team missed the oppor­tu­ni­ty to fur­ther impro­ve its stan­ding in the table.


All about the next opponent: interview with Slovan Bratislava podcast My sme Belasí

The second to last match in the league pha­se of the Cham­pi­ons Leage sees VfB return to Bra­tis­la­va after four­teen and a half years. We tal­ked to Slo­van pod­cast My sme Bela­sí about the cur­rent situa­ti­on of the Slo­wa­ki­an title hol­der and record cham­pi­on.


Reward for Courage

VfB con­cludes the first half of the sea­son with a well-deser­ved, albeit some­what sur­pri­sing, vic­to­ry against Leip­zig fol­lo­wing Sunday’s match. The team reward­ed them­sel­ves and their coach for his bold lin­e­up choices with a spi­ri­ted per­for­mance.
