All about the next opponent: Interview with Real Madrid blog La Libreta de Mou

The first Cham­pi­ons League game is just around the cor­ner, and we’re up against none other than the defen­ding cham­pi­ons, Real Madrid. To get an idea of how things are loo­king for the team from Madrid, we spo­ke to the Real Madrid blog La Libre­ta de Mou.


A Victory for the Spirit

Brea­king the spell ins­tead of brea­king down: In Mön­chen­glad­bach, VfB ear­ns their first three points of the sea­son through an impro­ved per­for­mance, allo­wing them to approach the upco­ming matches against the two Cham­pi­ons League fina­lists with more ease.


All about the next opponent: Interview with Mainz supporters Jessica and Felicitas

The home debut awaits, and VfB wants to car­ry the momen­tum from the Cup Match into the matchup against Mainz 05. Jes­si­ca as well as Feli­ci­tas from the Mainz 05 Fan Pod­cast “Die Hin­ter­hof­sän­ger” ans­wer how things are loo­king for Mainz.


New Arrival with the Red Stripe: Ameen Al-Dakhil

This week, VfB signed the long-awai­ted right-foo­ted cen­ter-back Ameen Al-Dak­hil. Howe­ver, opi­ni­ons about him vary, part­ly becau­se of his long inju­ry lay­off. We inqui­red about him in Burn­ley and Bel­gi­um and will give you an assess­ment.


New Arrival with the Red Stripe: El Bilal Touré

VfB still was­n’t satis­fied with their offen­si­ve lin­e­up: Just over a week befo­re the trans­fer win­dow clo­sed, El Bil­al Tou­ré arri­ved at the Neckar from Euro­pa League win­ner Ata­lan­ta Ber­ga­mo on Fri­day. Let us intro­du­ce you to our new loan play­er and try to figu­re out what role he can play in the alre­a­dy well-sto­cked offen­si­ve lin­e­up of VfB.
