All about the next opponent: Interview with Real Madrid blog La Libreta de Mou

The first Cham­pi­ons League game is just around the cor­ner, and we’re up against none other than the defen­ding cham­pi­ons, Real Madrid. To get an idea of how things are loo­king for the team from Madrid, we spo­ke to the Real Madrid blog La Libre­ta de Mou.

With the Red Stri­pe: Real Madrid is the team with the most titles and the cur­rent Cham­pi­ons League win­ner. Would it be a dis­ap­point­ment not to win the title this sea­son?

La Libre­ta de Mou: Fai­ling in its­elf wouldn’t be a dis­ap­point­ment; you can’t always win. It all depends on how and when you fail and against whom. Real Madrid always needs to be com­pe­ti­ti­ve.

What do you think about the new Cham­pi­ons League for­mat?

It’s an attempt to copy the Super League pro­po­sed by Flo­ren­ti­no, with too many fil­ler matches against teams of dif­fe­rent cate­go­ries and levels.

How did you react to the draw against VfB Stutt­gart?

Good. Ger­man teams are always com­pe­ti­ti­ve and dif­fi­cult. It will be a tough match at the Ber­nabéu.

What do you think of your oppon­ents in gene­ral? Which match are you most loo­king for­ward to?

At first glan­ce, all the teams seem wea­k­er, even Dort­mund, Milan, and Liver­pool. The­re shouldn’t be any pro­blems qua­li­fy­ing for the next round, but you have to take the games serious­ly, turn the Ber­nabéu into a fort­ress, and pick up some points away from home.

Last year, Real Madrid beat all the Ger­man teams in the Cham­pi­ons League and didn’t lose any of the eight encoun­ters. Are Ger­man teams the “White Ballet’s” favo­ri­te oppon­ents?

Late­ly, we’ve done well against Ger­man teams, but tho­se of us who have been around lon­ger know that hasn’t always been the case. You must always respect your oppo­nent.

Are you satis­fied with the start of the sea­son in La Liga?

No, but we have many important inju­red play­ers. There’s room for impro­ve­ment.

Your star sig­ning this sum­mer was undoub­ted­ly Kyli­an Mbap­pé. Are you satis­fied with his per­for­mance so far?

No, he needs to adapt bet­ter to the attack with Vini­ci­us, but as I said, there’s room for impro­ve­ment, and he’s making pro­gress.

How would you descri­be Real Madrid’s style of play? What are its strengths and weak­ne­s­ses?

The style isn’t defi­ned yet. When all the inju­red play­ers, espe­ci­al­ly Bel­ling­ham, who is a key play­er in the attack, are available to Ance­lot­ti, we’ll be able to see more of the coach’s plan.

What is your pre­dic­tion for the game?

3–1 for Real Madrid.

Thank you!

Note: This inter­view is trans­la­ted from Ger­man via ChatGPT

Pic­tu­re: © Adam Nurkiewicz/Getty Images

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