All about the next game: Mainz at home

In the home game against Mainz, VfB aims to cor­rect the fal­se start in Frei­burg. Howe­ver, it pro­ba­b­ly won’t be as easy as it was in Müns­ter.

So, whe­re does the club with the red stri­pe stand after one cup round and one Bun­des­li­ga match­day? The ans­wer: At the start of the sea­son. Of cour­se, the­se are high­ly emo­tio­nal times with trans­fers and the first Euro­pean com­pe­ti­ti­on draw invol­ving VfB in over ten years. Addi­tio­nal­ly, half of the defen­se is inju­red. As noted after the last two games, it’s not just about the per­son­nel but, more important­ly, about the atti­tu­de toward the game and the oppo­nent. The atti­tu­de was right in Müns­ter, and I would be sur­pri­sed if the team rel­ap­sed against Mainz. Still, Mainz can be as tough as Frei­burg, alt­hough not neces­s­a­ri­ly at the same level. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce FSV was riding a wave of eupho­ria going into the sum­mer break. Howe­ver, the­re is no real reason for gloom at VfB eit­her, not even with the defen­si­ve shorta­ge. We mana­ged with it last sea­son as well, plus this is our first com­pe­ti­ti­ve home game sin­ce May 18th. We can look for­ward to exci­ting Cham­pi­ons League oppon­ents and will send five play­ers to the Ger­man natio­nal team next week.

Personnel Situation

Not much has chan­ged the­re. Nar­tey, Zag­adou, Ster­giou, Rai­mund, and Rou­ault are still out for Mainz, and Vagno­man might make it to the bench. This leads to the fol­lo­wing:

Possible Starting Line-up

Sebas­ti­an Hoe­neß has alre­a­dy announ­ced that Cha­se will play. Vagno­man, if fit, cer­tain­ly won’t start. There’s also not­hing to chan­ge in the dou­ble six. Up front, I would pre­fer Rie­der over Silas and Lewe­ling, who haven’t made much impact on the right so far. Mil­lot rota­tes back in behind Demi­ro­vic, and Undav comes off the bench.


Even on the second match­day, the­re isn’t much to glean from the Bun­des­li­ga sta­tis­tics. On the first match­day, Mainz and their oppon­ents Uni­on were the teams with the most aeri­al duels won. VfB has been unbea­ten against FSV sin­ce Janu­ary 2019; back then, the 05ers took all three points from the Neckar­sta­di­on with a 3–2 win, and two late goals from Gon­za­lez and Kempf couldn’t chan­ge that. Howe­ver, that was also just one of FSV’s three away wins in 32 Bun­des­li­ga matches.


After a busy week, it’s time to look ahead again. VfB is capa­ble of defea­ting FSV Mainz to go into the inter­na­tio­nal break with a calm mind­set. After that comes the away game in Glad­bach, and then the first Cham­pi­ons League match­day befo­re Wal­de­mar Anton returns to Bad Cannstatt in black and yel­low. No mat­ter who the first Euro­pean oppo­nent in 11 years is, the­se will be fes­ti­ve weeks for which we need to lay the ground­work in the Bun­des­li­ga. Full focus on Mainz, then!

Pic­tu­re: © Sebas­ti­an Widmann/Getty Images

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