All about the next opponent: Interview with Leverkusen expert Sebastian

The com­pe­ti­ti­ve sea­son for VfB does­n’t start as usu­al with the first round of the cup, but with the Super­cup against dou­ble-win­ners Lever­ku­sen. Befo­re the clash bet­ween the cham­pi­ons and run­ners-up, we spo­ke with Bay­er expert Sebas­ti­an Berg­mann from the Rhei­ni­sche Post.

With the Red Stri­pe: Hel­lo Sebas­ti­an, and thank you for taking the time to ans­wer our ques­ti­ons. The first com­pe­ti­ti­ve match of the new sea­son is the duel bet­ween the dou­ble-win­ners and the run­ners-up. You’ve been fol­lo­wing Lever­ku­sen for a while now. What has chan­ged at the club sin­ce the first cham­pi­on­ship?

Sebas­ti­an: Fan inte­rest has signi­fi­cant­ly increased. During the trai­ning camp in Donau­eschin­gen, the­re were up to 800 spec­ta­tors dai­ly. This is a com­ple­te­ly new dimen­si­on for Bay­er. But you can also see it in the num­ber of club mem­bers, the demand for tickets and jer­seys, and many other aspects sur­roun­ding Bay­er 04—it’s clear that the club has rea­ched a new level in this regard. Addi­tio­nal­ly, many play­ers have now seen that it’s pos­si­ble to win titles with Lever­ku­sen. Bay­er will bene­fit from this for many years to come.

The­re was a lot of dis­cus­sion before­hand about the loca­ti­on of the game and the timing of the Super­cup coin­ci­ding with the first round of the cup. How do you assess the situa­ti­on, and what importance do you place on the game?

Regard­less of the pre­vious arran­ge­ments or rules, I think it’s only logi­cal that if the­re is a dou­ble-win­ner, they should have the right to host the Super­cup in their own sta­di­um. This will be the fourth com­pe­ti­ti­ve match in a row for Lever­ku­sen, whe­re the­re will be a tro­phy pre­sen­ta­ti­on after the final whistle—a very curious situa­ti­on. The club, play­ers, and of cour­se, coach Xabi Alon­so are taking the match very serious­ly and want to bring the next title to Lever­ku­sen. Moreo­ver, the match should give some ear­ly indi­ca­ti­ons of how the sea­sons for both teams might deve­lop.

What are your insights from the pre-sea­son pre­pa­ra­ti­ons? Will Xabi Alon­so chan­ge his team’s style of play com­pared to last sea­son?

I don’t think he will devia­te from his fun­da­men­tal idea of how he wants his team to play foot­ball. Howe­ver, the­re will natu­ral­ly be some small adjus­t­ments. For exam­p­le, sum­mer sig­ning Aleix Gar­cia is someone who likes to play long balls, brin­ging a new ele­ment into the game. The team appears focu­sed, but the fri­end­ly matches have also shown that Bay­er is not yet at the high level of last sea­son.

So far, Bay­er has signed only three play­ers: left-win­ger Mar­tin Ter­ri­er and cen­ter-back Jea­nuël Belo­ci­an from Sta­de Ren­nes, and mid­fiel­der Aleix Gar­cía from FC Giro­na. Josip Sta­nišić retur­ned to Bay­ern. Is the squad com­ple­te, or do you expect more chan­ges by the end of August?

I don’t expect any major chan­ges on the inco­ming side. If Jona­than Tah does end up moving to Bay­ern, Bay­er will cer­tain­ly look to bring in ano­ther defender—Joel Matip is a hot can­di­da­te. On the depar­tu­re side, the­re could be some move­ment. Bes­i­des Tah, Pie­ro Hin­ca­pié and Odi­lon Kos­soun­ou from Bayer’s cham­pi­on­ship defen­se are in demand. It’s clear that Lever­ku­sen will only let one defen­der go this sum­mer, and that too for a high fee. Adam Hložek and Gustavo Puer­ta are poten­ti­al can­di­da­tes for a transfer—and pos­si­bly Patrik Schick as well.

VfB signed a lar­ge num­ber of play­ers and spent even more money over­all than Bay­er. Does this mean that Lever­ku­sen feels well-equip­ped for the Cham­pi­ons League with their cham­pi­on­ship squad?

Abso­lut­e­ly. So far, asi­de from Sta­nišić, who only real­ly took off in the second half of the sea­son, no play­er cru­cial to the dou­ble vic­to­ry has left the team. Addi­tio­nal­ly, the three new sig­nings have made a pro­mi­sing impres­si­on so far.

What are the expec­ta­ti­ons in Lever­ku­sen for this sea­son, and what do you think the team is capa­ble of achie­ving?

Publicly, Lever­ku­sen is kee­ping a low pro­fi­le, sta­ting that they aim for a top-four finish in the league and want to per­form well in the Cham­pi­ons League. Howe­ver, last sea­son Bay­er show­ed what is pos­si­ble with this squad, set­ting the bar high. Even though it’s unli­kely that the team will have ano­ther near-per­fect sea­son, I belie­ve they are capa­ble of anything—even win­ning the cham­pi­on­ship.

Final­ly, your pre­dic­tion for the Super­cup?

Oppor­tu­ni­ties to win titles don’t come around every day, and Lever­ku­sen wants to make a state­ment right from the start, espe­ci­al­ly in their own sta­di­um. I pre­dict a nar­row 2–1 vic­to­ry.

Noti­ce: This inter­view has been trans­la­ted from Ger­man with ChatGPT.

Pic­tu­re: © Leon Kuegeler/Getty Images

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