All about the next game: Leverkusen away in the Supercup

The first com­pe­ti­ti­ve match of the sea­son is upon us, and it’s alre­a­dy about win­ning a title. VfB Stutt­gart has the chan­ce to secu­re the second Super­cup in its histo­ry against dou­ble-win­ners Bay­er 04 Lever­ku­sen.

“New sea­son, new me” is the mot­to at VfB again this year, as the club had to navi­ga­te yet ano­ther squad over­haul. This is not­hing new on Mer­ce­des­stra­ße, given that last year, the team also had to replace three key players—Sosa, Endo, and Mavro­pa­nos. This year, it’s Gui­ras­sy, Ito, and Wal­de­mar “I’m not loo­king to lea­ve” Anton who are gone. Howe­ver, while Wohl­ge­muth was quite fru­gal in 2023, this year the pur­se strings have loo­se­ned. Record sig­nings Deniz Undav and Demi­ro­vić have joi­n­ed, and accor­ding to Hoe­neß, the defen­se is still see­king fur­ther rein­force­ments.

Now, let’s talk about the match. The Super­cup is often dis­missed by fans as a “fun­fair tro­phy.” So, it’s not sur­pri­sing that both Lever­ku­sen and VfB ultras are stay­ing away from the game. This is also becau­se the first round of the DFB-Pokal is unneces­s­a­ri­ly dis­tor­ted, with the ori­gi­nal first-round matches against Preu­ßen Müns­ter and Carl Zeiss Jena being moved to a Tues­day or Wed­nes­day evening. I see it dif­fer­ent­ly. I can under­stand the cri­ti­cism regar­ding the sche­du­ling, but I think that for the club and the team, this title is more than just a glo­ri­fied fri­end­ly. It’s about crow­ning a suc­cessful and his­to­ric season—something they’ve ear­ned and can be proud of.

Unfort­u­na­te­ly, just like in the DFB-Pokal and Bun­des­li­ga, TSV Bay­er 04 Lever­ku­sen might stand in the way again. Despi­te their dou­ble win and an unbea­ten Bun­des­li­ga sea­son, the stain of losing the Euro­pa League final still lin­gers. Lever­ku­sen, which only mana­ged to beat us in the cup, only stay­ed unbea­ten in the league thanks to a refe­ree­ing error, and only remains in the Bun­des­li­ga due to a spe­cial excep­ti­on. Their public image, par­ti­cu­lar­ly with CEO Fer­nan­do Car­ro, hasn’t exact­ly been glo­wing.

From Stuttgart’s per­spec­ti­ve, this could be the per­fect con­clu­si­on to the 2023/24 sea­son. But even if it goes wrong and we fail against Xabi Alon­so for the third time, it’s still an honor and a reward for this team to be par­ti­ci­pa­ting in this game—as the second-best team of the 2023/2024 sea­son, just 14 months after win­ning the rele­ga­ti­on batt­le against HSV.

Squad Situation

The sea­son has just begun, and some first-team play­ers aren’t ful­ly fit yet. Zag­adou and Vagno­man are still cat­ching up in trai­ning after serious inju­ries, and Ster­giou is strugg­ling with back pro­blems fol­lo­wing Euro 2024.

Possible Starting Lineup

Admit­ted­ly, it was dif­fi­cult to make a rea­li­stic pre­dic­tion. I based it on the start­ing ele­ven from the match against Bil­bao, whe­re Lewe­ling play­ed as a shadow stri­ker behind Demi­ro­vić. I could ima­gi­ne Undav play­ing ins­tead of Lewe­ling, but I think he hasn’t been in team trai­ning long enough for obvious reasons.


Due to the irre­gu­lar sche­du­ling of the Super­cup, VfB has only mana­ged to par­ti­ci­pa­te once in this com­pe­ti­ti­on despi­te seve­ral league titles and cup wins. In 1992, they tri­um­phed 3–1 against the second-divi­si­on and DFB-Pokal win­ners Han­no­ver 96 in the Nie­der­sach­sen­sta­di­on. This means they are tech­ni­cal­ly still unbea­ten in this com­pe­ti­ti­on. This is also Leverkusen’s second appearance in the Super­cup. A year after VfB’s vic­to­ry, Bay­er faced Bun­des­li­ga cham­pi­ons Wer­der Bre­men as cup win­ners. Unli­ke VfB, they couldn’t win and lost in a penal­ty shoo­tout. The fact that the game was also held at the BayA­re­na (then known as the Ulrich-Haber­land-Sta­di­on) could be a good omen for VfB.


I’m not expec­ting a luke­warm sum­mer kick­about or an unin­spi­red oppo­nent like in the sea­son ope­ner. This is a com­pe­ti­ti­ve match, and both teams will give ever­y­thing to win. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, I fear that we’ll once again finish second behind Lever­ku­sen in this third com­pe­ti­ti­on, as our squad isn’t yet com­ple­te, and we’re miss­ing some key play­ers.

Pic­tu­re: © Lars Baron/Getty Images

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