Rund um den Brustring in English: With the Red Stripe

We at Rund um den Brust­ring take the oppor­tu­ni­ty and use the inter­na­tio­nal break to go inter­na­tio­nal: With the Red Stri­pe is the new Eng­lish lan­guage sec­tion of this blog. Here’s why and what to expect.

If you’­re a non-Ger­man Bun­des­li­ga or even Stutt­gart fan, you pro­ba­b­ly never heard of or read this neat litt­le blog. No won­der, Ger­man is a dif­fi­cult lan­guage and alt­hough the web has got­ten bet­ter and trans­la­ting, I bet it’s still a pain in the ass to read a long Ger­man artic­le that isn’t exact­ly writ­ten in text­book Ger­man that way. Of cour­se, the­re is alre­a­dy Eng­lish Vfb con­tent around: apart from the odd artic­le on ESPN once in a while, the­re is a VfB subred­dit which I’ve heard is quite acti­ve (I tried to use red­dit and fai­led). And the­re is a pod­cast which I will intro­du­ce later today. So why a blog and one writ­ten by someone who isn’t a nati­ve spea­k­er as you might have alre­a­dy gathe­red by now?

Well for one: I don’t think the­re are any others. To be honest, I did­n’t do any mar­ket rese­arch, becau­se I am not doing this to pig­gy­back on Stuttgart’s inter­na­tio­nal mar­ke­ting stra­tegy (to be honest, apart from an Eng­lish spea­king Twit­ter account and the somehow never men­tio­ned again coope­ra­ti­on with Chi­ne­se side Guang­zhou, I don’t even know, if the­re is one), but becau­se I just want to do it. Also, I think I might be able to offer a new per­spec­ti­ve to VfB fans from abroad becau­se I am clo­ser to the club and have a few more insights, which you might find only in Ger­man blogs such as Rund um den Brust­ring, Ver­ti­kal­pass or Stuttgart.International. And last­ly, I would like to prac­ti­ce wri­ting about foot­ball in Eng­lish. May­be it’s also becau­se I star­ted sub­scrib­ing to. When Satur­day Comes, the famous Bri­tish fan­zine tur­ned foot­ball maga­zi­ne. The way foot­ball is writ­ten about in Eng­lish is a bit dif­fe­rent from the way it is done in Ger­man and I am not only tal­king about the lan­guage. Like when I star­ted with Rund um den Brust­ring more than six years ago, I’d just like to try this out.

Which alre­a­dy gives you a hint what to expect. My grammar will not always be per­fect, espe­ci­al­ly punc­tua­ti­on is not my strong suit in Eng­lish. Alt­hough I have been using Ame­ri­can Eng­lish most of my life (having spent a high school year in the Sta­tes and taking Ame­ri­can Stu­dies at uni­ver­si­ty), I will still refer to the sport as foot­ball while at the same time using Ame­ri­can Eng­lish terms. Bes­i­des, I won’t be able to update this Eng­lish sec­tion of the blog near­ly as often as the Ger­man sec­tion — I just do not have the time. But, as with Rund um den Brust­ring, I am always open for con­tri­bu­tors who want to wri­te regu­lar­ly for With the Red Stri­pe — regard­less of they are a nati­ve spea­k­er or not — or guest artic­les. This is more for you inter­na­tio­nal VfB fans out the­re than it is for me, becau­se I’m just try­ing mys­elf out here (see abo­ve).

So I hope you enjoy this litt­le part of the inter­net. If you want to stay up to date, you should be able to sub­scri­be to the RSS feed of Rund um den Brust­ring and pick out the artic­les with Eng­lish head­lines or you can fol­low us on Twit­ter at @RedStripe1893.

Oh and for the name: I was going for “Up the Brust­ring” but was told, that would­n’t work. So I went with some­thing a Glas­gow Ran­gers fans sup­po­sedly said back when VfB was still play­ing in Euro­pean cups: That we were known around the world for being the club with the red stri­pe. Thank you to Ute (@Aleksch1893) who alre­a­dy desi­gned the Rund um den Brust­ring logo and “trans­la­ted” it to the logo you see abo­ve. 

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