Rotated into the second round

After a dis­ap­poin­ting start to the Bun­des­li­ga sea­son, VfB has effort­less­ly advan­ced to the second round of the cup. In a 5–0 vic­to­ry in Müns­ter, the team was not hea­vi­ly chal­len­ged but show­ed that they have regai­ned the right atti­tu­de.

It would have been typi­cal for VfB to stumb­le in the cup against a new­ly pro­mo­ted second divi­si­on team after an ope­ning defeat in the Bun­des­li­ga. At least in the past. Howe­ver, last sea­son we lear­ned that this team is quite capa­ble of respon­ding to set­backs, and they demons­tra­ted this once again at the Preus­sen­sta­di­on in Müns­ter. Admit­ted­ly, wit­hout their top scorer Malik Bat­maz, the West­pha­li­ans see­med quite hel­p­less offen­si­ve­ly. At some point, I stop­ped coun­ting the balls that flew over the bar­ri­er behind Alex Nübel’s goal in the first half and dis­ap­peared into not­hing. Defen­si­ve­ly, VfB quick­ly pul­led the plug on the hosts with cros­ses from the left and a strong pre­sence in the penal­ty area, so the 5–0 score­li­ne was ful­ly deser­ved. As a VfB fan, one enjoy­ed a rela­xed and quite lively evening in a new sta­di­um for many of tho­se who tra­ve­led along.

Howe­ver, this game also pro­vi­ded some valuable insights that Sebas­ti­an Hoe­neß and his team can build on. The most important takea­way was that the atti­tu­de towards the game and the oppo­nent was right again. For Müns­ter, this cup match, even though it did­n’t take place on a Satur­day after­noon as it should have, was the next high­light after their pro­mo­ti­on in the sum­mer. Howe­ver, the play­ers in the red and white shirts dashed any hopes of a cup upset within 15 minu­tes, and it’s tel­ling that Ange­lo Stil­ler, who was for­t­u­na­te­ly back in his usu­al posi­ti­on, was invol­ved in both goals. Given the ear­ly lead, the coach’s rota­ti­on, which brought Wol­te­ma­de and Rie­der onto the pitch and sent Mil­lot and Undav to the bench, paid off. After the 3–0 lead, Hoe­neß could afford to rest Mil­lot, who had been con­sis­t­ent­ly play­ing recent­ly, and address Deniz Undav’s lack of trai­ning by sub­bing him in after an hour.

At the beginning

And the­re was ano­ther debutant in the start­ing ele­ven: Anrie Cha­se show­ed that, with Ange­lo Stil­ler play­ing as a defen­si­ve mid­fiel­der, he might have been the bet­ter opti­on in the cen­tral defen­se posi­ti­on even against Frei­burg. Per­haps, though, this game was per­fect­ly sui­ted for his first start. The Preus­sen didn’t pre­sent VfB with major tech­ni­cal chal­lenges but deman­ded con­stant atten­ti­on. Cha­se rou­ti­ne­ly hea­ded away balls, out­pa­ced oppon­ents, posi­tio­ned hims­elf well in the build-up play, and all in all had a solid per­for­mance. At the other end of the good-mood sca­le see­med to be Silas, who, against an over­whel­med oppo­nent, was even­tual­ly overs­ha­dowed by sub­sti­tu­tes Diehl and Hen­driks and, in my opi­ni­on, was not coin­ci­den­tal­ly stan­ding some­what apart from the team during the post-game cele­bra­ti­ons.

Of cour­se, you should­n’t ove­re­sti­ma­te such a game whe­re the team show­ed the right atti­tu­de but still made some inac­cu­ra­ci­es. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly memo­rable to me was Jeff Cha­b­ot, who, after losing the ball, cle­ared it from the dan­ger zone with his back to the oppo­nent, fli­cking it over his own head. This doesn’t quite fit into Sebas­ti­an Hoeneß’s style of play, which is based on ball con­trol and pre­cis­i­on, and in this sce­ne, it also did­n’t have the desi­red effect. Natu­ral­ly, Müns­ter is not a pusho­ver and was wai­ting for their chan­ces. Logi­cal­ly, we have to rota­te, and not ever­yo­ne who star­ted in the cup will be in the lin­e­up on Satur­day. Howe­ver, it is clear from what Sebas­ti­an Hoe­neß said after the match: “We are at the begin­ning.” Natu­ral­ly, with the summer’s trans­fer expen­dit­ures and the Cham­pi­ons League start­ing in just under three weeks, the­re is a bit less time for deve­lo­p­ment com­pared to last year. It’s also clear that neither a defeat on the first match­day nor a clear cup vic­to­ry is tru­ly signi­fi­cant in asses­sing VfB’s sea­son start. The team still needs to impro­ve, and I am con­fi­dent that they can.

Pic­tu­re: © Chris­tof Koepsel/Getty Images

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