All about the next game: Freiburg away

Final­ly, the real foot­ball starts again for VfB, and it kicks off with a chal­len­ging away game — even though we have a bet­ter sen­se of the team’s per­for­mance level after the Super­cup.

In recent years, the matches have often been on equal foo­ting, said VfB right-back and for­mer Frei­burg play­er Pas­cal Sten­zel on the VfB web­site ear­lier this week. Apart from the first game of last sea­son, this is quite an accu­ra­te descrip­ti­on, yet as a VfB fan, one might won­der if we should­n’t actual­ly win tomorrow’s game in the Breis­gau. The team with the red stri­pe won twice last sea­son, so not­hing should go wrong in this next encoun­ter, espe­ci­al­ly after the strong per­for­mance in the Super­cup, right? But last sea­son was last sea­son; now it’s time to shar­pen our focus again, espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce we’­re start­ing the sea­son with an away game, unli­ke last time. Asi­de from the per­son­nel situa­ti­on, which I’ll get to in a moment, it will be cru­cial for VfB to start the sea­son ful­ly alert from the begin­ning and to main­tain the inten­si­ty from the Lever­ku­sen match. Espe­ci­al­ly sin­ce the team faces two more games in the next seven days befo­re hea­ding off on inter­na­tio­nal duty again.

I have no way to gau­ge Frei­burg, and a 4–0 win in Osna­brück does­n’t real­ly help eit­her. No one will unde­re­sti­ma­te the see­mingly wealt­hy run­ner-up, and SCF has pro­ven to be a tough oppo­nent in the past. I’m curious to see if Juni­or Ada­mu will con­firm the posi­ti­ve impres­si­ons from the pre­se­a­son, how for­mer VfB play­er Juli­an Schus­ter will fare in his Bun­des­li­ga debut as a coach, if Vin­cen­zo Grifo can still get on our ner­ves at 31, and if we might be able to exploit Flo­ri­an Müller’s weak­ne­ss with high balls. After scoring eight goals against Frei­burg in the last two games, it will be cru­cial for us to capi­ta­li­ze on our chan­ces, espe­ci­al­ly becau­se the

Personnel Situation

is par­ti­cu­lar­ly pre­ca­rious in defen­se.

Leo­ni­das Ster­giou has a back inflamm­a­ti­on, Antho­ny Rou­ault par­ti­al­ly dis­lo­ca­ted his should­er, Daxo Zag­adou and Josha Vagno­man are still behind in trai­ning. And now, just yes­ter­day, Yan­nik Kei­tel twis­ted his ank­le. So, things could get inte­res­t­ing defen­si­ve­ly. And as of Fri­day after­noon, the­re is still no repla­ce­ment for Wal­de­mar Anton. This pres­ents cer­tain chal­lenges when con­side­ring a

Possible Starting Lineup

Assum­ing Mit­tel­städt is fit to play, I would place Kei­tel in Rouault’s posi­ti­on, or if he’s also out, Hen­driks. Alt­hough Hen­driks has as many offi­ci­al match minu­tes in a VfB jer­sey as Anrie Cha­se, he has more pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence. The first match­day may not be the opti­mal stage for a debut for a young cen­tral defen­der. This way, the cru­cial dou­ble pivot remains int­act. Up front, I was­n’t con­vin­ced by Lewe­ling or Silas in Lever­ku­sen, so I would start with Demi­ro­vic and Undav, sup­port­ed by Mil­lot and Füh­rich, who are of cour­se more fle­xi­ble in their posi­ti­ons than depic­ted here.


This is the 50th encoun­ter bet­ween the two clubs sin­ce Freiburg’s first Bun­des­li­ga pro­mo­ti­on 31 years ago, 44 of them in the Bun­des­li­ga. With 26 wins, VfB still has the upper hand, alt­hough Frei­burg has won 17 times. Befo­re last sea­son, VfB lost six con­se­cu­ti­ve league matches against Frei­burg (2:3, 1:2, 2:3, 0:2, 0:1, 1:2), but last sea­son, of cour­se, ended many simi­lar streaks. Other­wi­se, the­re aren’t many sta­tis­tics available befo­re the first match­day.


I’m real­ly exci­ted about the upco­ming sea­son and am quite opti­mi­stic that we’ll have as much fun as we did last sea­son. Tomor­row in Frei­burg, VfB will need to com­pen­sa­te for the thin defen­si­ve lin­e­up and be signi­fi­cant­ly more effec­ti­ve than they were against Lever­ku­sen. Even SC Frei­burg won’t lea­ve lar­ge gaps if they take the lead in their own sta­di­um, so the atti­tu­de towards tomorrow’s game is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important. If the team mana­ges to play to their poten­ti­al, I’m con­fi­dent it will be enough to fight for three points.

Pic­tu­re: © Chris­ti­an Kas­par-Bart­ke/­Get­ty Images

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