All about the next opponent: Interview with Freiburg supporter Fabi

The new Bun­des­li­ga sea­son is about to start, and SC Frei­burg is facing a new era right from the begin­ning. Fabi from the SC Frei­burg fan club “Frei­bur­ger Bot­schaft zu Stutt­gart” descri­bes the situa­ti­on with the Breis­gau team.

With the Red Stri­pe: A New Sea­son and the Start of a New Era: After 5,843 days with Chris­ti­an Streich as head coach, Juli­an Schus­ter is now the new man on the side­lines. Do you think the timing was too late, too ear­ly, or just right?

Fabi: You can defi­ni­te­ly trust the per­son­nel decis­i­ons in Frei­burg; a lot has gone right in recent years. Streich hin­ted mul­ti­ple times during the sea­son about how much the job as head coach had drai­ned him and that they were asses­sing each year if he had the ener­gy to con­ti­nue. It’s unfort­u­na­te that he’s step­ping down, but intern­al­ly, the club had good opti­ons for a suc­ces­sor and saw this as the right time.
At first, I expec­ted Tho­mas Stamm, who did excel­lent work with the second team. Juli­an Schus­ter has been the liai­son coach bet­ween the pros and the youth teams (U23, U19) sin­ce 2018 and gai­ned a lot of insights into the workings of pro­fes­sio­nal foot­ball. Whe­ther that’s enough or if it’s too ear­ly, we’ll have to wait and see.

What do you expect from the new coach?

From the pre­pa­ra­ti­ons so far, the big­gest chan­ge seems to be that Schus­ter is imple­men­ting a much more acti­ve pres­sing game. Until now, SC ten­ded to defend more com­pact­ly and stood a bit deeper. The for­ma­ti­on has slight­ly chan­ged.
Addi­tio­nal­ly, pro­mi­sing young play­ers have been used, and they’ve shown good per­for­man­ces so far. I hope he remains bold in his decis­i­ons and con­ti­nues the Frei­burg way. Trust in the work and decis­i­ons of the coa­ching team is some­thing we have in Frei­burg 😊

How would you descri­be him in terms of cha­rac­ter and foot­ball phi­lo­so­phy?

As a long-time play­er for SC, Juli­an Schus­ter was alre­a­dy very popu­lar, part­ly becau­se he iden­ti­fied stron­gly with the club’s phi­lo­so­phy and values. This iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, along with his exper­ti­se and per­so­na­li­ty, repor­ted­ly con­tri­bu­ted to the decis­i­on to appoint him as head coach. In inter­views and press con­fe­ren­ces, he comes across as very com­po­sed and fac­tu­al.

Can you brief­ly descri­be how the squad has chan­ged for the Breis­gau team?

We were able to bring in two Bun­des­li­ga-expe­ri­en­ced play­ers, Eren Dink­ci and Patrick Oster­ha­ge, who fit per­fect­ly into SC’s new sys­tem. Oster­ha­ge has alre­a­dy made it into the start­ing lin­e­up, but with Dink­ci, we’ll have to wait a bit as he missed part of the pre­pa­ra­ti­on due to an inju­ry.
With Max Rosen­fel­der (CB) and Bru­no Obgus (RB), two youth play­ers made their com­pe­ti­ti­ve debut in the cup match. Ber­kay Yil­maz and Johan Manz­am­bi have also been pro­mo­ted to the first team. We haven’t had any signi­fi­cant depar­tures except for play­ers like Keven Schlot­ter­beck, who were alre­a­dy on loan last year. Noah Atubo­lu is also out for now due to ill­ness. Howe­ver, with Flo Mül­ler, who has alre­a­dy done well with us, I’m not too worried.

After two years in Euro­pean com­pe­ti­ti­on, SCF will only tra­vel dome­sti­cal­ly. Are you dis­ap­poin­ted, or are you reli­e­ved not to be in a rele­ga­ti­on batt­le?

Of cour­se, the­re was signi­fi­cant dis­ap­point­ment on the 34th match­day, espe­ci­al­ly becau­se we had enough chan­ces to secu­re qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on for inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons on our own. It was some­thing spe­cial to expe­ri­ence foot­ball in other count­ries and even more so to see our own club the­re. By our stan­dards, we were quite suc­cessful.
In retro­s­pect, I think it might be bet­ter with a new, young coach to focus on two com­pe­ti­ti­ons and aim for the best pos­si­ble results the­re. For­t­u­na­te­ly, we secu­red enough points ear­ly last sea­son. The num­e­rous inju­ries in the second half of the sea­son made things dif­fi­cult, and the gap to the bot­tom was­n’t that big.

What are the expec­ta­ti­ons for the new sea­son? Is Euro­pe a goal?

The club won’t set high goals, and that’s a good thing. It’s important to start the sea­son well so we can work in peace. The goal remains to stay in the league. The ear­lier that goal is rea­ched, the bet­ter, and only then will we look fur­ther up the table.

Your men’s team hasn’t play­ed in the Drei­sam­sta­di­on for three years now, but in the new Euro­pa-Park-Sta­di­on. Does it feel like home by now, or is the­re still some “home­sick­ness”?

The suc­cessful sea­sons have cer­tain­ly con­tri­bu­ted to the smooth tran­si­ti­on to the new sta­di­um. The club has grown finan­ci­al­ly, and the num­ber of mem­bers has increased, so the 10,000 extra seats in the Euro­pa-Park-Sta­di­on have defi­ni­te­ly been worth it—the home sec­tion was always sold out. The atmo­sphe­re in the sta­di­um is always good, and from what I’ve heard, the view in the guest sec­tion is bet­ter now as well. After all, ever­yo­ne should be able to see when SC scores 😉
The­re are still some chan­ges being made to the sta­di­um in con­sul­ta­ti­on with the fans.

VfB is going through a trans­for­ma­ti­on after a his­to­ric sea­son. Do you think we can estab­lish our­sel­ves in the upper part of the table, or is it back down again?

The Kir­mes­po­kal (Super­cup) show­ed that VfB can con­ti­nue last season’s per­for­man­ces. Uni­on Ber­lin col­lap­sed last year part­ly becau­se they chan­ged their style of play. I see VfB as sta­ble enough that I don’t think they’ll fall too far down. Demi­ro­vic may be a dif­fe­rent type of play­er, but I belie­ve there’s qua­li­ty both in the stri­ker posi­ti­on and in the revam­ped cen­tral defen­se.

Final­ly, the ques­ti­on of all ques­ti­ons. Frei­burg vs. Stutt­gart, der­by or not?


Your prediction/feeling for the game?

Lots of goals—hopefully with a hap­py ending for SCF. Here’s to a good, fair match!

Thank you, and here’s to a good game!

Noti­ce: This inter­view has been trans­la­ted from Ger­man using ChatGPT

Pic­tu­re: © THOMAS KIENZLE/AFP /AFP via Get­ty Images

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