All about the next game: Leipzig at home

To con­clude the first half of the sea­son, VfB Stutt­gart faces Leip­zig. A win could bring a con­ci­li­a­to­ry end to a chao­tic first half and even bring Euro­pe back into focus.

I don’t know what bothers me more about this matchup: that the 16th and 17th match­days take place after the win­ter break, that the 17th match­day is sche­du­led for mid­week, or that the least attrac­ti­ve oppo­nent by far comes to town to wrap up the first half of the sea­son. A 17th match­day at home against Leip­zig also means that we will spend the final match­day of the sea­son at this construct’s half-emp­ty sta­di­um. Meh. By now, our upco­ming oppo­nent has been in the Bun­des­li­ga for nine years, but it’s still worth men­tio­ning that it’s not a real club, but mere­ly adver­ti­sing for an unhe­alt­hy ener­gy drink. And yes, I know the typi­cal respon­ses to this state­ment: “VfB also adver­ti­ses for a com­pa­ny, isn’t that hypo­cri­ti­cal???” There’s a small but signi­fi­cant dif­fe­rence: for VfB, spon­sors are a means of finan­cing. If the­re were no spon­sors, VfB Stutt­gart would still exist. Per­haps not as a Bun­des­li­ga or pro­fes­sio­nal club, but the club would still exist. For Leip­zig, howe­ver, it’s not spon­sor­ship. No, Leip­zig its­elf is the adver­ti­se­ment. That is their reason for exis­tence. Wit­hout RB, there’s no RB Leip­zig. And I will never tire of empha­si­zing this fact.

Matches against Leip­zig have also rare­ly been enter­tai­ning on the pitch. Except for last year’s 5–2, there’s usual­ly been a thras­hing, and I’m not very opti­mi­stic that this will chan­ge. The team still seems too shaky, even though I think the per­for­mance in Augs­burg might have been view­ed too cri­ti­cal­ly. If Demi­ro­vić had capi­ta­li­zed on his chan­ces, we might have won 3–0, and the retro­s­pec­ti­ve would be more posi­ti­ve. But in the end, it was a nar­row 1–0, and that’s the crux. Our con­ver­si­on of chan­ces is dreadful. Demi­ro­vić sim­ply needs to deli­ver more. I’m not a fan of pin­ning a pro­blem on one play­er, but it was hard to miss against Augs­burg. Tel­lingly, Undav was sub­sti­tu­ted for Demi­ro­vić, not Wol­te­ma­de, and tel­lingly, Undav scored the decisi­ve 1–0 for our VfB short­ly after coming on. We need a relia­ble offen­se; the team needs to reward its­elf more.

Personnel Situation

To the alre­a­dy known inju­ries, Maxi­mi­li­an Mit­tel­städt is added. The Ger­man inter­na­tio­nal is side­lined with gro­in issues.

Possible Starting XI

I don’t expect much rota­ti­on. Hen­driks will step in for the inju­red Mit­tel­städt. A start­ing XI spot is still too soon for Undav and Lewe­ling.


As men­tio­ned abo­ve, the record against Leip­zig, despi­te the 5–2 vic­to­ry, is not very posi­ti­ve. We’ve scored as many goals (nine) against Leip­zig as we’ve lost games. This also high­lights our poor chan­ce con­ver­si­on. While we’ve scored 30 goals—a figu­re abo­ve average—according to, we should have scored 34. Leip­zig, on the other hand, is over­per­forming. They should sta­tis­ti­cal­ly be some­whe­re in mid-table based on points. They have 8 points more than their xPoints and thus the big­gest dis­crepan­cy bet­ween xPoints and actu­al points. This is lar­ge­ly due to their defen­se. Alt­hough they’ve con­ce­ded only 22 goals, they have an xGA of 29. This 7‑goal dis­crepan­cy is also the best in the Bun­des­li­ga. Their goal­kee­per Gulasci has been instru­men­tal, with eight clean sheets (a league best) and being rated as the best goal­kee­per by Kicker.


Leip­zig is a tough oppo­nent for us, but the­re have been times when we were even more hope­l­ess or Leip­zig was more dan­ge­rous. Effec­ti­ve­ness in front of goal will be key sin­ce we’re facing the best goal­kee­per in the Bun­des­li­ga. I think the first half of the sea­son will end with a 1–1 draw.

Pic­tu­re: © Chris­ti­an Kas­par-Bart­ke/­Get­ty Images

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