All about the next game: Bern at home in the Champions League

The Fri­day evening game against Uni­on not only pro­vi­ded a mora­le boost but also a few extra days to prepa­re for the cru­cial home match against Bern.

Even though this is still the new­ly intro­du­ced league pha­se of the Cham­pi­ons League, tonight alre­a­dy feels like a knock­out game for VfB. Having only mana­ged a win at Juven­tus so far and a 1–1 draw at home against Spar­ta, we despera­te­ly need ano­ther vic­to­ry against Bern to ensu­re a spot among the top 24 teams in the Cham­pi­ons League by the end of Janu­ary, which would qua­li­fy us for two addi­tio­nal matches in an inter­me­dia­te round. While no one knows for sure how the stan­dings will unfold, seve­ral simu­la­ti­ons pre­dict that 10 points will be nee­ded — and VfB curr­ent­ly only has four. A win against the Swiss cham­pi­ons, who are curr­ent­ly strugg­ling at the bot­tom of both their dome­stic league and the Cham­pi­ons League stan­dings, is the­r­e­fo­re essen­ti­al.

Eli­mi­na­ti­on wouldn’t be a cata­stro­phe, but it would be dis­ap­poin­ting not to have two more matches, espe­ci­al­ly if we fail to secu­re enough points against Bern and Bra­tis­la­va. I don’t agree with the idea that an ear­ly exit would bene­fit VfB’s league cam­paign. Asi­de from the finan­cial impact of par­ti­ci­pa­ting, this is our first Euro­pean Cup appearance in 11 years, and we’re sup­po­sed to want it to end as soon as pos­si­ble? No way. We’ll still secu­re enough points in the league, even if we con­ti­nue with mid­week matches through Febru­ary.

When I think of Bern, I think of snow. And rela­tively emp­ty stands during the home game, with 15,000 spec­ta­tors at the Neckar­sta­di­on in the 2010/2011 Euro­pa League sea­son. But most­ly, snow. Snow piled meters high along the high­way to Bern, so deep that some fans tur­ned back becau­se they left too late, and the enti­re coun­try of Switz­er­land was so sno­wed in that even air­ports were clo­sed. At the Wank­dorf Sta­di­um, a snow­plow cle­ared the field every 20 minu­tes like in ice hockey, but that didn’t help us free­zing in the stands or VfB, who lost 3–1 to the Young Boys. Let’s ins­tead aim to repeat the result from the first leg back then, when Cacau, Tasci, and our cur­rent sport­ing direc­tor scored.

Personnel situation

The per­son­nel situa­ti­on has impro­ved. Ameen Al-Dak­hil appears to have final­ly reco­ver­ed from his ill­ness. Howe­ver, Jeff Cha­b­ot has back pro­blems, which do not seem to rule him out enti­re­ly. For Lewe­ling and Undav, this game seems to come too soon, as it does for El Bil­al and Zag­adou.

Possible Starting XI

It’s unli­kely that Hoe­neß will imme­dia­te­ly put Al-Dak­hil in the start­ing lin­e­up, even though he has trai­ned with the team for a while and play­ed for the natio­nal team. Cha­se has star­ted the last three games in a row, and Rou­ault has not been par­ti­cu­lar­ly con­vin­cing late­ly. Simi­lar­ly, Ster­giou as a right-back with Vagno­man ahead of him hasn’t work­ed well. It would be bet­ter to have Rie­der up front, who will hop­eful­ly find his form again against his for­mer club. The rest of the lin­e­up prac­ti­cal­ly picks its­elf, given the importance of the match.


As men­tio­ned, this is the third mee­ting bet­ween VfB and the Ber­ner Sport Club Young Boys. In 2011, both teams made it to the Euro­pa League round of 32 — and both were eli­mi­na­ted the­re. VfB lost to Ben­fi­ca, while Bern fell to St. Peters­burg. The defeat at Wank­dorf remains VfB’s only loss to a Swiss team; they have been unbea­ten against FC Basel (UEFA Cup first round 1978/79), Gras­shop­pers Zurich (UEFA Cup round of 16 1979/80), and Xamax Neu­cha­tel (UI Cup second round 2000/2001). Play­ers like Fabi­an Rie­der, Hakan Yakin, and Die­ter Brenn­in­ger have play­ed for both clubs, while Zdrav­ko Kuz­ma­no­vic was part of YB’s youth set­up and Suat Tür­ker star­ted his care­er at VfB befo­re moving to Bern.

Curr­ent­ly, YB sits last in the Cham­pi­ons League group stan­dings with zero points and a goal dif­fe­rence of 2:17 — with only Sil­ve­re Gan­vou­la and Kas­tri­ot Ime­ri scoring so far. In the Swiss Super League, the reig­ning cham­pi­ons — win­ners of six of the last seven titles — have star­ted the sea­son poor­ly but have slow­ly reco­ver­ed and are now in 9th place. Gan­vou­la and Joel Mon­tei­ro have scored five goals each.


There’s no way around it: We must win tonight, and we need a signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ment com­pared to the first half against Uni­on or the game against Bre­men. As men­tio­ned ear­lier, I hope the Uni­on match has re-ener­gi­zed the team, allo­wing them to per­form more focu­sed and res­ted tonight. The oppo­nent should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted — but we can still have con­fi­dence in our team.

Pic­tu­re: © Alex­an­der Hassenstein/Bongarts/Getty Images

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