All about the next game: Union Berlin at home

As soon as the DFB-Pokal match in Regens­burg is over, Uni­on Ber­lin is alre­a­dy wai­ting for us at home. The “Eiser­nen” (Iron Ones) are a team that is strong defen­si­ve­ly but weak offen­si­ve­ly.

The good news: At least things are going well in the DFB-Pokal. Sure, the draw has been kind to us so far, but advan­cing a round is advan­cing a round. In the Bun­des­li­ga, eva­lua­tions of the cur­rent sea­son bring mixed fee­lings. Some think it’s good that we’re within striking distance of the inter­na­tio­nal spots, while others expect at least a 7th-place finish given the high sum­mer spen­ding. Still, others are sim­ply reli­e­ved that we’re not stuck in a rele­ga­ti­on batt­le.

The game against Uni­on Ber­lin will be the next real test. The “Eiser­nen,” curr­ent­ly sit­ting in 11th place and just one point behind us, are having a sea­son that has gone lar­ge­ly unno­ti­ced by non-Ber­li­ners. Things are par­ti­cu­lar­ly inte­res­t­ing at the Alte Förs­te­rei right now. Bo Svens­son, the de fac­to suc­ces­sor to Urs Fischer, seems like a per­fect fit. His emo­tio­nal and grit­ty coun­ter-pres­sing, which brought him suc­cess at Mainz 05, fits bril­li­ant­ly with the Iron Ones. As a for­mer East Ger­man club, they now repre­sent “ter­ror foot­ball” more than any other team, and under Bo Svens­son, this con­ti­nues.

They have the second-best defen­se in the league, con­ce­ding only 11 goals, but the wea­k­est attack with just 10 goals scored, tied with St. Pau­li and VfL Bochum. They are the only Bun­des­li­ga team to avera­ge less than one goal scored and con­ce­ded per game. At the Neckar­sta­di­on, we can expect an unp­lea­sant and unat­trac­ti­ve match.

Squad Situation

For VfB, the match against Uni­on will also be about estab­li­shing a some­what sta­ble start­ing ele­ven. The inju­ry list hasn’t chan­ged sin­ce the Regens­burg game. Howe­ver, it seems Lewe­ling might be able to return to trai­ning next week. Al-Dak­hil is also expec­ted to have final­ly reco­ver­ed from his ill­ness. Still, neither will be available for the Uni­on game. Inju­ries and ill­nesses con­ti­nue to give Hoe­neß a hea­da­che. Jus­tin Diehl, howe­ver, is pro­ving to be a reme­dy. The six-time U20 natio­nal team play­er appears to have sett­led in well at Neckar­sta­di­on and has con­sis­t­ent­ly impres­sed as a sub­sti­tu­te. He has the poten­ti­al to fol­low a deve­lo­p­ment path simi­lar to Jamie Lewe­ling, and it wouldn’t sur­pri­se me to see him in the start­ing ele­ven in the medi­um term.

Possible Starting Lineup

Admit­ted­ly, no one knows how much the rota­ti­on machi­ne will be cran­ked up again, poten­ti­al­ly to rest regu­lar play­ers for the cru­cial Cham­pi­ons League match against the Young Boys from Bern. Howe­ver, in my opi­ni­on, this lin­e­up is the most rea­li­stic. Vagno­man con­ti­nues in the unfa­mi­li­ar role of right win­ger, and Sten­zel gets more chan­ces to pro­ve hims­elf.


In the ninth Bun­des­li­ga mee­ting of the two 2019 rele­ga­ti­on play­off par­ti­ci­pan­ts, VfB Stutt­gart has the chan­ce to even the record. Stutt­gart has drawn three times against the Eiser­nen and lost three times. VfB has only mana­ged to win twice, with both vic­to­ries coming under Hoe­neß last sea­son.

As pre­vious­ly men­tio­ned, Uni­on is defen­si­ve­ly strong but offen­si­ve­ly weak. A key part of their strength lies in their high­ly phy­si­cal style of play. They have won the second-most duels in the league and are very strong in aeri­al batt­les (third in hea­ders won). They are not shy in their chal­lenges, eit­her, having com­mit­ted the second-most fouls and recei­ved the second-most cards this sea­son. Despi­te this, they have yet to recei­ve a red card. Offen­si­ve­ly, howe­ver, they are unsur­pri­sin­gly very weak. In pos­ses­si­on and pas­sing stats, they sit at the bot­tom of the table. Their xG (expec­ted goals) also matches that of a rele­ga­ti­on can­di­da­te.


This will be a tough and unat­trac­ti­ve game—perfect for a Fri­day evening sta­di­um visit in free­zing tem­pe­ra­tures, whe­re you start to won­der if the­re aren’t more plea­sant hob­bies out the­re. Uni­on is beata­ble, but to do so, the team must be defen­si­ve­ly solid and offen­si­ve­ly pati­ent. I pre­dict we’ll end up with a more or less fair 0–0 draw.

Pic­tu­re: © Chris­ti­an Kas­par-Bart­ke/­Get­ty Images

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