All about the next opponent: Interview with Leverkusen expert Sebastian

The com­pe­ti­ti­ve sea­son for VfB does­n’t start as usu­al with the first round of the cup, but with the Super­cup against dou­ble-win­ners Lever­ku­sen. Befo­re the clash bet­ween the cham­pi­ons and run­ners-up, we spo­ke with Bay­er expert Sebas­ti­an Berg­mann from the Rhei­ni­sche Post.


Heart Over Head?

With the return of Deniz Undav, VfB has set ano­ther trans­fer record just a few weeks after sig­ning Erme­din Demi­ro­vić, ful­fil­ling what see­med to be the big­gest wish of their fans this sum­mer break. So, is cau­ti­on being thrown to the wind once again in Bad Cannstatt? Or have times sim­ply chan­ged?


New Arrival with the Red Stripe: Ermedin Demirović

The VfB has signed Augsburg’s cap­tain Erme­din Demi­ro­vić as a suc­ces­sor to record stri­ker Ser­hou Gui­ras­sy, who is on the ver­ge of a trans­fer to Borus­sia Dort­mund. But can he replace him? We took a clo­ser look at Demi­ro­vić.


New arrival with the Red Stripe: Justin Diehl

Not only did Jeff Cha­b­ot find his way from the Rhi­ne to the Neckar after the sea­son ended, but his team­ma­te Jus­tin Diehl will also be wea­ring the Brust­ring start­ing next sea­son. Howe­ver, under dif­fe­rent cir­cum­s­tances. We spo­ke with Tho­mas Rein­scheid from about him.


New arrival with the Red Stripe: Stefan Drljača

Due to the pro­mo­ti­on of the second team to the 3rd league, secu­ring a start­ing spot for Den­nis Sei­men, and the depar­tu­re of Flo­ri­an Schock, the posi­ti­on of third goal­kee­per beca­me available at VfB. Fabi­an Wohl­ge­muth fil­led it with Ste­fan Drl­jača from Dyna­mo Dres­den, who gathe­red third-league expe­ri­ence the­re and at Dort­mund II. We gathe­red insights from Sax­o­ny and the Ruhr regi­on.
