All about the next opponent: Interview with Augsburg fan Marco

With the match against the Bava­ri­an Swa­bi­ans, VfB beg­ins the foot­ball year with four con­se­cu­ti­ve weeks of inten­se fix­tures. FCA fan Mar­co gives us insights into their next league and cup oppon­ents.

With the Red Stri­pe: Hel­lo Mar­co, thank you for taking the time for us. To start off: How do you eva­lua­te FCA’s sea­son so far? Are you satis­fied over­all?

Mar­co: Hel­lo ever­yo­ne, thank you for having me! I’d rate the sea­son as a 4‑, sin­ce we’­re a bit below expec­ta­ti­ons. In my opi­ni­on, the team is play­ing below its poten­ti­al, which is why I’m not satis­fied with the pro­gress or the deve­lo­p­ment.

Recent­ly, FCA lost three matches in a row, inclu­ding a clear defeat against rele­ga­ti­on can­di­da­te Kiel. What went wrong?

We play in a 3–5‑2 for­ma­ti­on, with eight out­field play­ers who hard­ly con­tri­bu­te offen­si­ve­ly and are more defen­si­ve­ly ori­en­ted. Essen­ti­al­ly, it’s no sur­pri­se that we strugg­le to crea­te offen­si­ve high­lights. On top of that, simp­le defen­si­ve errors keep cree­ping in, and Kiel espe­ci­al­ly was able to capi­ta­li­ze on tho­se.

Whe­re do you see FC Augs­burg at the end of the sea­son?

I firm­ly belie­ve Thorup will be dis­missed in the coming weeks, and I hope we’ll finish in a secu­re mid-table posi­ti­on.

Win­ter break means trans­fer peri­od: Have the­re been any signi­fi­cant depar­tures or arri­vals in Augs­burg, or will the squad remain as is?

Ruben Var­gas has moved to FC Sevil­la. Last sea­son, this would have been a big loss, but sin­ce he was inju­red this sea­son and wasn’t plan­ning to renew his con­tract any­way, it’s not a seve­re blow. As for arri­vals, the­re will be some move­ment, but not until the end of the trans­fer win­dow. Lot­ka, Cas­trop, and Koj­zek are some of the names we’ve been inqui­ring about.

Demi­ro­vic, last season’s top scorer, is retur­ning to the WWK Are­na. How do you think he will be recei­ved?

He was given a warm send-off in Octo­ber. We owe a lot to Demi, and I belie­ve the fans will always keep that in mind.

In Stutt­gart, the Bos­ni­an natio­nal play­er Ser­hou Gui­ras­sy was meant to be repla­ced by Demi­ro­vic. Unfort­u­na­te­ly, he hasn’t met the expec­ta­ti­ons of some VfB fans. Do you think he will pro­ve hims­elf in the second half of the sea­son?

I think that’s whe­re the mista­ke lies. Demi­ro­vic shouldn’t be com­pared to Ser­hou Gui­ras­sy. In my opi­ni­on, they’re com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent types of play­ers. Demi pre­fers to play as a sup­port­ing stri­ker, focu­sing more on pas­sing than shoo­ting, which makes him valuable for crea­ting chan­ces. And eight goal con­tri­bu­ti­ons in 15 games are per­fect­ly fine, even if you can’t judge sole­ly on stats.

The two Swa­bi­an clubs will face each other again in ear­ly Febru­ary in the DFB-Pokal. How did peo­p­le react to the cup draw?

With mixed fee­lings. On the one hand, we avo­ided Lever­ku­sen or Leip­zig, but on the other, we got ano­ther favo­ri­te and it’s an away match, which doesn’t make it any easier. But any­thing is pos­si­ble in the cup, even if I see us as having litt­le chan­ce.

Who is your FCA play­er of the sea­son so far?

It’s always hard to say. Alexis Clau­de-Mau­rice has cer­tain­ly been a gre­at help to us and is extre­me­ly important. But play­ers like Phil­lip Tietz and Keven Schlot­ter­beck are, in my opi­ni­on, also vital con­stants — both on and off the pitch.

How would you descri­be your style of play? What are the strengths and weak­ne­s­ses?

A defen­si­ve­ly ori­en­ted play­ing style com­bi­ned with long balls in build-up play. With this approach, we don’t real­ly have any strengths; offen­si­ve­ly, we lack a plan, and despi­te the defen­si­ve set­up, we have signi­fi­cant defi­ci­en­ci­es in posi­tio­ning, espe­ci­al­ly with cros­ses. Set pie­ces aren’t our strong suit eit­her. Over­all, it’s pret­ty frus­t­ra­ting at the moment.

Last­ly, your pre­dic­tion for the match?

At the moment — despi­te it being a home game — I have litt­le hope and pre­dict a 3–1 win for VfB.

Thank you very much!

Note: This inter­view was trans­la­ted from Ger­man via ChatGPT

Pic­tu­re: © Cars­ten Harz/Getty Images

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